Our Exams

What type of exam are you interested in?

Focused Ultrasound Resources offers abdomen and doppler exams

Abdomen & Doppler Exams

Abdominal ultrasound exams are used to evaluate the internal abdominal organs including the liver, spleen, kidneys and bladder. We can see the tissues, blood flow, and any abnormalities.

Focused Utrasound Resources offers head and neck exams

Head & Neck Exams

Head and neck ultrasound includes everything from thyroid and parathyroid, lymph nodes, neck glands, tongue, neck tissue injuries, and even evaluation of the inside of the eyes.

Focused Utrasound Resources offers echocardiogram exams

Echocardiogram Exams

Echocardiograms are used to evaluate the heart structures and heart function. We can look at everything from tissues, valves, blood flow patterns, and heart performance.

Focused Utrasound Resources offers musculoskeletal exams

Musculoskeletal Exams

Musculoskeletal ultrasound can allow for evaluation of tendons, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and even bone. It is commonly used for sporting injuries, masses, and joint disease.

Focused Utrasound Resources offers fetal check and fetal count exams

Fetal Check + Fetal Count Exams

Fetal exams are similar to human baby exams. We can confirm if an animal is pregnant, get a estimated gestational age, look for any indication of fetal stress, and even count the babies.

Focused Utrasound Resources offers superficial structures exams

Superficial Structures Exams

Superficial ultrasound evaluates all the tissues found on the skin and just below the skins surface. It can be used to evaluate masses, abscesses, and injuries. It is commonly used to assist in biopsies.